Here’s a video we shot last week of some new “map origami”, demonstrated by professional bookbinder Rebecca Smyrl:
Here’s the folding guide for the first map that Rebecca demonstrated:
(Click on the image to enlarge. Hint: you can easily learn this by printing or drawing the lines on a sheet of paper, and using the solid lines as mountains (folding up) and the dotted as valleys (folding down) for your final selection. I found this was do-able just from watching the video and folding a print-out.)
We are more intrigued with what we’re calling “map origami” each day. Rebecca tells us that these techniques come from Pamela Spitzmueller (presumably at a workshop like this). We learned this folding technique using a hand-drawn instruction diagram; if you’d like to see it, let us know!
More map origami to come… including the infamous Miura fold used on solar panel arrays…